Edit Me...

Albert Einstein

"Reading, after a certain age, diverts the mind too much from its creative pursuits. Any man who reads too much and uses his own brain too little falls into lazy habits of thinking."

Alexander Graham Bell

"A man, as a general rule, owes very little to what he is born with - a man is what he makes of himself. "

Abraham Lincoln

"I destroy my enemies when I make them my friends."

Chelsea F.C.

Chelsea Football Club is an English football club based in Fulham, London. Founded in 1905, they play in the Premier League and have spent most of their history in the top tier of English football. Their home is the 41,837-seat Stamford Bridge stadium, where they have played since their establishment. Since 2003 they have been owned by Russian billionaire Roman Abramovich.

Farewell Didier Drogba!

Chelsea Football Club can confirm Didier Drogba will be leaving the club when his contract expires at the end of June. Didier has spent eight years at Chelsea, and everyone at the club would like to thank him for his service and wish him luck and continued success for the future.

Sunday, December 27, 2015

English Post: Just Write What You WANT as Deaf after being former Hearing Impaired.

Counting seconds for heading to 2016 as former Hearing Impaired and proudly to be labelled as deaf in straight to Deaf.

Posting this photo is helping me to imagine how we combine our things with others. By the way, I am looking to believe that might be wrong and sooner revised/fixed for being very good or at least perfect.
(- My Grammar is checked as error mode on-)
Taken in Hong Kong, September 2015.

Dear Bloggers,

I am unconfident to build this post up .... But let me to express out my 'Voice' 

As many times I have been thinking what I intended to write through this blog. The reason why I started to write English for this blog that I have struggled with confidence in writing English. Before going to a round of chronicle, I would like to let you know that I am not good at English written especially grammar because Indonesia is my native language. For this reason, readers have rights to ask what does it mean or even revise any sentences here for being worthy read. Thank you.

Here we go….

Yet, as previous times, I hated English for once because it was hardship to access that International language as people said when I was in Junior High School (Where I was introduced to learn English for the first time). At that time, I accessed both Indonesian and English language by using read-lips. The story why I became like that has told by previous posts in this blog. By intermezzo time, I had experienced a few tough years where my Deaf sister left us forever. Fortunately, Sign Language and Deaf World pushed me to learn and be loveable about English as windows to see how real world goes. In addition, it persuaded me to be proud of who I am or similar with a quote,” Just be yourself!”

Anyway, other reason could be logical that might invite people wonder. Last year, I took English Education for continuing my step in higher education level. Yes, it was a big decision for me and my family because as I experienced with English that I was not dealing so good with that late language eaten. Although I have been interested with English since 3 years ago. Thank God, since I enrolled Sampoerna University, I have been surrounded by good environment that helped me to improve my English skills except speaking and listening. Yes, I am Deaf actually and it is impossible or difficult for me to be able in speaking and listening as hearing people. How I handled that? I have been helped with kind-hearted people, notebook, internet, smartphone, imported books and et cetera. Why I took that? I wanted to have an experience how hard Deaf People access Indonesian Language, and I planned to reverse Deaf people said that English is NOT frightening. Furthermore, I try to make that language could be changed as enjoyable learning for future Deaf Indonesians Leaders. But, I am hesitated to realise that because I am still discovering my path for Deaf Community in this present.....

At this of all, give me a chance to consider for being habitual to write routine with various topic especially Deaf, Life and Challenge in facing to real World.

Anyway, first sentence is a guide to me for directing my further writing….

My thoughts are full with stories that I am required to express through this blog as son of well known persons, former hearing impaired, and Deaf - Hearing World adventurer.

This writing based on my experience that relates with my life, habit, psychology, point of view and belief.  

To be continued……

Saturday, July 11, 2015

Thomas Hopkins Gallaudet

The Journey of Thomas Hopkins Gallaudet’s Life 
by Surya Sahetapy (Panji Surya Putra)
Source: http://www.ilusa.com/WebCal/output/ilusa_calendar/thomas_hopkins_gallaudet2011.jpg

A precious man comes as savior for the deaf people in the world when he found something important about education in the 1880. He was born on December 10, 1787, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. When Gallaudet was thirteen years old, his parents moved to Hartford, Connecticut to prepare for his college education. “His parents, being of Huguenot origin and thoroughly grounded in the Protestant religion, had a profound effect in young Gallaudet’s desire to become an ordained minister.” (lifeprint.com) 1805 was the special moment for Thomas Hopkins Gallaudet due to his graduation with a degree in Education and he was not sure of the direction what he wanted about career. For this reason, he retook his study at Yale University again in 1808 for his Master of Arts degree and “He became an ordained minister at the age of twenty-seven (27) years old” when he participated at the Theological Seminary at Andover in 1811. At the time, Thomas Hopkins Gallaudet wanted to learn many things such as theology, and to engage in trade and law. (lifeprint.com)

“In Hartford, Gallaudet met a young deaf girl named Alice Cogswell, the daughter of his neighbor, an eminent surgeon named Mason Fitch Cogswell.” (Higgins Sean, 2009) In the 1814, Thomas Hopkins Gallaudet was walking in around his complex house at Hartford, Connecticut and found the 9th year old girl for the first time who was only watching a game alone while other children played together on that summer morning. At that time, he tried to call that girl many times and received no response or even reaction. Thus, he touched her body then asked why did not she play with her friends and the girl surprised Thomas H. Gallaudet because the girl could not answer even speaking. Therefore, Gallaudet visited her parents one of whom was a wealthy doctor, to explore more about that girl and found that “a bout of scarlet fever had robbed her of hearing years ago, and the loss left her with few communication skills.”. (disabilitymuseum.org)

After visiting Alice Cogswell’s parents, Gallaudet refused to believe that Alice could not learn as her future looked grim. For this reason, he decided to try discovering ways to communicate with her. Moreover, he tested her by drawing “the word “hat” with big letter on the ground with a twig and he pointed it out to Alice then pointed to her hat”. (Sean Higgins, 2009) He did it repeatedly until Alice understood what Gallaudet did and made Thomas Hopkins inspired to teach her more. (Proquest.com)

The Alice Cogswell’s case, increased Thomas Hopkins Gallaudet’s interest about education and there was no school, designed for the deaf children and people. For this reason, Mason Cogswell looked many way to establish a school, designed for deaf children. At that time, the Braidwood family was known as the best educators of deaf people and they had a school in two different cities, London and Edinburg with high tuition fees. “Cogswell persuaded Gallaudet to go to Britain and investigate their educational methods. After much worry about whether his health was up to it, Gallaudet agreed.” Then, Gallaudet went to Britain to explore Educational methods for the deaf by attending Briadwood’s school. During the observation, Gallaudet found the method was unproductive and Braidwood offered him “to take him on as an apprentice and teach him their method, but he had to promise to keep these methods secret and not share them with others, and Gallaudet refused” because Gallaudet need to pay for the rights to use the school’s methods and that made it hard for Gallaudet to use it again for deaf children in America. At least, what Gallaudet learned in Britain broadened his horizon about deaf education and improved his experience so widely to match the best education for deaf American. (disabilitymuseum.org;disabilitymueseum.org)

Meanwhile, Gallaudet met Abbe Sicard who was a teacher for the deaf from France that used sign language as a form of communication for the deaf. The meeting was impressive, because Sicard invite him to learn the teaching method,which demonstrated by Sicard with Jean Massieu and Laurent Clerc in l'Institut National de Jeunes Sourds de Paris (school for the deaf) in Paris, France. The teaching method made Gallaudet interested and asked them to teach the signing method and they taught him.” The French model -- a free public institution where sign was used by teachers and pupils, and oral speech was unimportant -- was what Gallaudet would bring back from Europe,” (Sean Higgins, 2009) but, Gallaudet have persuaded so hard to convince Laurent Clerc for moving to America and teach. Finally, Gallaudet brought him to America as teacher for the deaf children after arguing with Laurent Clerc because due to his job and passion for teaching in French. Meanwhile, Laurent Clerc requested to Gallaudet for teaching him about English and also Gallaudet asked him to teach Gallaudet about Sign Language. (lifeprint.com;Proquest.com) 

Moreover, Thomas Hopkins Gallaudet and Mason Cogswell successfully persuaded private donors to fund government institute to build a school for the deaf in Hartford. With different name, later changed with new name is American School for the Deaf and Alice Cogswell became the first student with six students that taught by Gallaudet and Clerc. “Gallaudet was principal until 1830.” (disabilitymuseum.org)

Finally, he was advocating for deaf people to have acess to Education since he retired from the school where he taught in 1832 and also wrote and published many children’s stories”. In 1821, Gallaudet married a former Academy student, Alice Fowler and they had eight children. Death of Thomas Hopkins Gallaudet happened on September 9, 1851 in Hartford, Connecticut and at that the time was survived with his wife and two sons. Importantly, the last son they was named Edward Miner Gallaudet continued his father to responsible a school for deaf children when he was 20th years old. Since then, Thomas Hopkins Gallaudet became hero of deaf people in the world because he made it look alive by creating Gallaudet University that exist till now. (disabilitymuseum.org)

A few years later especially in 1864, President of the United States, Abraham Lincoln ratified the charter to recognize a national college for deaf students where Gallaudet was made president of the institution that had eight students. The name of college for the deaf was changed to Gallaudet College as an honor for Thomas Hopkins Gallaudet as founder through an act of Congress in 1954. The act of congress that continued by creating, recognizing and signing such as signed an act to create the Model Secondary School for the Deaf (MSSD) and at same time, Gallaudet President Leonard Elstad who held his position as the secretary of the U.S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare, signed an agreement to authorize the establishment and operation of MSSD on the Gallaudet Campus. One year later, President Richard Nixon authorized the establishment of Kendall Demonstration. Later on, the two school are part of Gallaudet’s Laurent Clerc National Deaf Education Center where designed to deaf students nationwide for the educational opportunities. (Gallaudet.edu)

Gallaudet University is a deaf university, which designed for the deaf and hard of hearing student where provide departments such as department of ASL & deaf studies, department of counseling, department of education, department of government & public affairs, department of hearing, speech and language science, department of history, philosophy, religion & sociology, department of interpretation, department of linguistics, department of psychology, department of social work. (Gallaudet.edu) 

Disability History Museum Staff. Rev. Thomas gallaudet. Disability History Museum Retrieved from http://www.disabilitymuseum.org/dhm/edu/essay.html?id=37
Gallaudet university. (2015) History of gallaudet Retrieved from http://www.gallaudet.edu/history.html
Higgins, S. (2009, Dec 14). Thomas gallaudet gave deaf people A clear boost never give up: His dedication brought sign language to america, leading to the opening of gallaudet university in D.C. Investor's Business Daily Retrieved from http://search.proquest.com/docview/1008471970?accountid=108784
Naranjo, Diane. (2008, April 27). Deaf people: laurent clerc. Retrieved from http://www.lifeprint.com/asl101/topics/clerc_laurent_7.htm

Mikle, Shielonda. (2003, March 16). Thomas hopkins gallaudet. Retrieved from http://www.lifeprint.com/asl101/pages-layout/gallaudet-thomas-hopkins3.htm

P.S. : In further, I would like to post any writings which might be related with Deaf World in order to improve my writing. Therefore, I am pleased if you give any correction-suggestion about my English grammar or information in this post. Previously, I took the post from assignment for U.S. History subject as requirement to finish the class. If possible, I would like to discuss with you regarding English literacy skill for deaf people in any scale as foreign language.

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Late Post: London Part 1

Dear my friends,

Ini postingan yang tersimpan pada tahun lalu dan belum selesai juga, untuk menjawab penasaran akan cerita saya. Berikut jurnal hari-hari impian khas saya dan mohon maklum, tulisannya tidak begitu WOW, tapi pengalaman saya bisa dibilang WOW;

Selasa, 27 Mei 2014

Tiba di Heathrow Airport, London-UK pada jam 18.40 kemudian dijemput Bapak Fadjar dari Kedutaan Besar Republik Indonesia di London. Setelah dijemput, kami diantar ke Bali-Bali Restaurant (Indonesian-Malaysia-Thai Cuisine) yang terletak di Shaftesbury Avenue, London. Saya sendiri disajikan nasi goring spesial dan disuguhi dengan air mineral khas London. Setelah itu, kami diantar oleh Bapak Fadjar serta supir ke tempat yang akan kita inap di Travelodge Vauxhall. Proses untuk mencapai tujuan, kami sempat melewati Big Ben, Istana Ratu, dan Tower Bridge.

Rabu, 28 Mei 2014

Pada pagi hari, kami melakukan sarapan di hotel Travelodge Vauxhall. Sayangnya, sarapan bagi begitu kurang memuaskan. Pada bersamaan waktu itu, ada anggota Leonard Cheshire Disability dari India, dan Filipina yang baru kami temui dan memperkenalkan kami masing-masing begitu juga dengan mereka. Kemudian kami berjalan kaki ke kantor Leonard Cheshire Disability dimana lokasinya dekat dengan tempat penginapan kami, Hotel Travelodge Vauxhall. Setelah tiba di sana, kami bertemu anggota Leonard Cheshire Young Voices dari berbagai Negara seperti, Kenya, Tanzania, dan Zambia serta staff dari Leonard Cheshire Disability. Meeting tersebut dimulai oleh Mahesh Chandrasekar dan masing-masing anggota LCD YV dari berbagai negara memperkenalkan diri kemudian Jane Harris mempresentasikan tentang “How to Campaign” (pptx. Terlampir). Meeting tersebut menjelaskan bagaimana melakukan kampanye untuk hak-hak penyandang disabilitas dan memastikan akan benefit dari kampanye. Setelah acaranya selesai, kami makan siang dengan menu pizza, dan ke tempat untuk breakcoffe/lunch. Kami masing-masing ngobrol tentang pengalaman kami seperti saya dengan anak tuli dari Kenya membahas tentang pengalaman serta kondisi negaranya mengenai Tuli. Dan beberapa kali orang penting datang seperti penanggungjawab acara LCD di Istana, pencari donator dll. untuk mengetahui lebih dalam mengenai anggota LCD YV dari berbagai macam Negara. Dan tepatnya selesai pertemuan dengan stakeholder, seluruh anggota LCD YV diminta untuk melakukan wawancara sambil direkam sebagai dokumentasi untuk LCD. Waktu perekeman memakan waktu sejam untuk seluruh anggota Leonard Cheshire. Tidak lama kemudian, Mahesh mengajak seluruh anggota LCD YV untuk melakukan sightseeing di sekitar Vauxhall kemudian makan malam di Riverside dan kembali ke Hotel masing-masing.

Kamis, 29 Mei 2014

 Pada pagi hari, kami keluar hotel untuk mengenal Vauxhall, bagian kota dari London. Mengunjungi Vauxhall Park merupakan sebuah taman yang penuh rumput serta tempat bermain dan sebagainya. Setelah 2 jam mengenal Vauxhall, kami ke kantor LCD kemudian menunggu Nick untuk berangkat bersama bertemu guru tuli di Kingston. Saya dan Nick mengobrol dengan guru tuli bernama Rebecca.
Meeting dengan Rebecca Smith, berikut rangkuman tentang pendidikan yang disampaikan Rebecca.
1. Mengajarkan bahasa isyarat kepada anak-anak tuli mulai dari umur 18 bulan
2. Ketika bayi lahir dapat dideteksi dengan newborn hearing screening program
3. Kelas untuk anak-anak tuli maksimal 8 murid.
4. Bahasa isyarat perlu dididik/ditanamkan pada usia anak muda guna mengembangkan kognitif sehingga dapat membantu dalam mengembangkan kebendarahaan bahasa (Bilingualism)
5. Sekolah sulit menerima jika pilihan orangtua untuk anak adalah oralism
6. Jika gagal di sekolah umum, dapat masuk sekolah tuli dengan syarat mau belajar bahasa isyarat.
Kemudian dijemput oleh Bapak Fadjar, Bu Santi, Mba Dhani & Supir dan menuju ke stadion Chelsea yang merupakan tim paling ingin saya kunjungi sejak lama. Disana saya foto-foto dan membeli merchandise Chelsea. Tidak lama, kita sudah harus kembali ke LCD untuk briefing sebagai persiapan bertemu Ratu dan Pangeran Phillip. Sebelum ke LCD, kami harus ganti pakaian untuk acara spesial tersebut.

Istana James
Setelah sampai di istana, kami diminta untuk menyerahkan barang-barang yang kami bawa seperti dompet, HP, tas dan sebagainya tanpa pengecualian. Di dalam acara tersebut penuh orang-orang seperti perwakilan dari organisasi-organisasi, NGO dan stakeholder, masing-masing kami berbincang satu sama lain. Tidak lama kemudian, kami diminta untuk berdiri dalam posisi melingkar guna menyambut ratu dan pangerang phillip. Di depan kami terdapat orang-orang Inggris terutama pekerja di BBC yang juga salah satu penyandang disabilitas. Masing-masing orang dihampiri dan kami hanya ditanya oleh pangeran Phillip mengenai asal negara kami. Dan kami pun tidak diberi kesempatan untuk berbincang. Setelah kepulangan ratu dan pangeran, kami memasuki ruang makan untuk dinner. Posisi kursi sudah diaturkan siapa yang duduk disana disini dan di samping kiri saya adalah seorang kakek dan tidak lama kemudian seorang kakek mencari secarik kertas dan menulis tentang darimana kah asal kami kemudian saya membalas. Di selang percakapan, kami saling menceritakan tentang situasi di Indonesia seperti apa terutama disabilitas khususnya tuli. 

 Jumat. 30 Mei 2014

Pada jam 6 pagi, saya membereskan barang untuk melanjutkan trip ke Preston. Dijemput Nick di depan Travelodge, kemudian kami meneruskan perjalanan menuju stasiun Vauxhall. Setelah itu saya mendapatkan hal yang menarik yaitu di dalam kereta underground terdapat lampu tanda pintu tutup (berkedip-kedip sebagai peringatan akan tutup). Saat di kereta, saya hanya berdiri karena isi kereta sangat penuh. Setelah sampai stasiun London Euston kalau tidak salah ingat, kemudian transit ke kereta (overground) menuju preston. Memakan waktu kurang lebih 3 jam sampai di Preston dari London.


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