Edit Me...

Albert Einstein

"Reading, after a certain age, diverts the mind too much from its creative pursuits. Any man who reads too much and uses his own brain too little falls into lazy habits of thinking."

Alexander Graham Bell

"A man, as a general rule, owes very little to what he is born with - a man is what he makes of himself. "

Abraham Lincoln

"I destroy my enemies when I make them my friends."

Chelsea F.C.

Chelsea Football Club is an English football club based in Fulham, London. Founded in 1905, they play in the Premier League and have spent most of their history in the top tier of English football. Their home is the 41,837-seat Stamford Bridge stadium, where they have played since their establishment. Since 2003 they have been owned by Russian billionaire Roman Abramovich.

Farewell Didier Drogba!

Chelsea Football Club can confirm Didier Drogba will be leaving the club when his contract expires at the end of June. Didier has spent eight years at Chelsea, and everyone at the club would like to thank him for his service and wish him luck and continued success for the future.

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Untuk teman-teman yang mau belajar Bisindo!

Kelas Bahasa Isyarat Indonesia (Bisindo) versi masing-masing daerah di se-Indonesia. 

1. Jakarta
Jadwal: Tiap Sabtu
Tempat: Di Pasar Minggu
Contact Person: 081288002015
Status: Full (Dibuka lagi bulan April, Pendafarannya sudah dibuka)

2. Bandung
Jadwal: Tiap hari Selasa, Kamis dan Sabtu
Tempat: PSBN Wiyataguna. Jln. Pajajaran No. 52 (Dekat Ruang YMN)
Contact Person: +6289685856387

3. Solo
Jadwal: Tiap hari Jumat Pukul 16.00 - 18.00 WIB
Tempat: SLB Negeri Surakarta
Jl. RM Said No. 111, depan Batik Semar, Samping Percetakan EMJI SPSS
Contact Person (SMS Only): Bima - 08998794714 & Lina - 085728883036

4. Yogyakarta
Jadwal: Senin dan Kamis jam 16.00 - 18.00
Tempat: Sekolah Semangat Tuli (SST) Jln. Langenarjan Lor No. 16A Panembahan, Kraton, Yogyakarta.
Contact Person (SMS Only): Kiki - +628882701574

5. Bali
Jadwal: Hari Minggu
1. Kumpul Co-Working Rumah Kreatif Sanur (Minggu Genap)
2. CFD Renon (Minggu Ganjil)
Contact Person: 082146557066

6. Balikpapan
Jadwal: Tiap Hari Minggu
Tempat: Lapangan Merdeka
CP: +6289624444304

7. Magelang
Jadwal: Tiap hari Minggu jam 09.00-12.00 (umum) dan Kamis jam 13.00-14.00 (khusus mahasiswa Prodi PG PAUD UMMgl)

Tempat: Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang Kampus 1, Jln. Tidar 21 Magelang.

8. Jember
Jadwal: Hari Minggu
Tempat: Lab. PLB IKIP PGRI Jember
CP: 082146557066

Untuk daerah lain segera diperbaharui data informasinya, untuk yang tahu kelas Bisindo bisa dishare ke kolom komentar ini. Terima kasih.

Thursday, August 25, 2016

One opportunity, limitless possibility

Bahasa Indonesia

What is needed for people with disabilities is one chance to show their abilities. An inclusive working environment opens limitless access to equal employment opportunities.

Surya Sahetapy, 22 years old, never imagined that his first working experience was in the governmental office. He also never imagined that he would be the first person with disability employed by the Provincial Government of Jakarta. 

I could not believe that I was selected. I am still doing my college study and this was really my first working experience. I never imagined that it would be with the government."
Surya Sahetapy
He still remembered the day he applied for the first apprenticeship programme opened by the Governor of Jakarta, Basuki Tjahaja Purnama, or also known as Ahok, in November 2015. The first of its kind, the programme was launched by Ahok, inspiring young Indonesians to be more involved in the developmental programmes as an effort to improve the professionalism and transparency of the local governance.

Competed with other 500 applicants, Surya sent his essay about the general condition of deaf people in Jakarta. His essay also emphasized what the provincial government could do to develop and improve the educational system, particularly for deaf people.

When he was notified as one of the 20 selected apprentices to join the four-month apprenticeship programme, he was delighted but also stunned at the same time. “I could not believe that I was selected. I was still doing my college study and this was really my first working experience. I never imagined that it would be with the government,” said Surya using sign-language, adding that he was the only apprentice with disability.

In the apprenticeship programme, he was positioned in budgeting section out of 12 sections, such as infrastructure, technology and information, city planning, education, public service, and so forth. “Budgeting is new for me. I have no financial background. At the beginning, it was hard for me to follow my team, but I learnt a lot,” said Surya who is majoring in English Education at the Sampoerna University, recalling his first days. 

Tackling the challenges

One of the challenges for Surya was to be involved and understand the conversations and discussions around him. Without the assistance from a sign-language interpreter, he tried his best to read lips. 

“But, people around me talking so fast during meetings and I could not catch up. They also like to use big words or governmental terms that I did not know and understand. It was a struggle for me to keep up with my team,” he said.

After two weeks without an interpreter, Surya discussed his challenge with his team leader. Since the provincial government had never employed people with disabilities, the officials were not aware about disability issues. A sign-language interpreter was then hired to assist Surya during the apprenticeship programme.

I used to not care about politics, but now I have different views about it. I hope more and more people with disabilities involve in this programme to promote and advocate issues about disabilities."
Surya Sahetapy
For Rastri Puspita Mine, a sign-language interpreter, it was also her first experience dealing with the governmental issues. “It was an enlightening experience as I learnt so much too from assisting Surya doing his tasks in budgeting. My difficulty was to translate the governmental terms and numerous abbreviations used,” she told her experience.

His apprenticeship experience, however, has made Surya changed his perception about the government. “I have a more positive impression for the government. I learnt that the government actually cares about disability issues. They haven’t done much because they haven’t had adequate understanding about this. Therefore, it is important for all the disability organizations and others who care about creating an inclusive environment surrounding us to continue advocating the government and the public at large about disability issues,” stated Surya who is also an active disability advocate. 

During the apprenticeship, he said that he learnt more about the role and function of the provincial government. What he cherished the most were the chance to participate in meetings conducted with the Jakarta Governor, visits to government offices at the community level and dialogues with relevant officials.  

I used to not care about politics, but now I have different views about it. I hope more and more people with disabilities involve in this programme to promote and advocate issues about disabilities,” he said.

ILO’s commitment to disability issue

With stronger support from the government at all levels (national, provincial and district levels), inclusive environments in, among others, government departments, companies, schools and public environment are more achievable. To support the inclusiveness, the ILO has a long standing commitment to promote decent work for people with disabilities. 

Disability issues are in line with the ILO’s Convention No. 111 concerning Discrimination in Respect of Employment and Occupation and was ratified by Indonesia through Act. No. 21/1999. The ILO in Indonesia has been promoting equal employment opportunity for people with disabilities through its Promoting Rights and Opportunities for People with Disabilities in Employment through Legislation in Indonesia (PROPEL-Indonesia) Project.

Through young generation like Surya who tirelessly advocates and promotes equal opportunity and treatment for people with disabilities, it is hoped that more positive changes will happen in this country. More and more people with disabilities will have equal opportunities to employment, training, education and other social aspects of life."
Santy Otto, the ILO's Project Coordinator on Disability
Key initiatives taken by the Project include, among others, disability trainings for relevant partners, development of information materials and videos on rights of people with disabilities, and the organization of Disability Business Forums, aimed to increase awareness and understanding of companies on benefits of hiring and employing people with disabilities and to strengthen networks among companies.

“Through young generation like Surya who tirelessly advocates and promotes equal opportunity and treatment for people with disabilities, it is hoped that more positive changes will happen in this country. More and more people with disabilities will have equal opportunities to employment, training, education and other social aspects of life,” said Santy Otto, the ILO's PROPEL-Indonesia Project on Disability.


Satu peluang, kemungkinan tanpa batas

English Language

Apa yang dibutuhkan para penyandang disabilitas hanyalah satu kesempatan untuk menunjukkan kemampuan mereka. Sebuah lingkungan kerja yang inklusif membuka akses tanpa batas bagi peluang kerja yang setara.

urya Sahetapy, 22 tahun, tidak pernah membayangkan pengalaman kerja pertamanya berada di kantor pemerintah. Dia juga tidak pernah membayangkan menjadi penyandang disabilitas pertama yang diperkerjakan oleh Pemerintah Provinsi DKI Jakarta.
Saya tidak bisa percaya bahwa saya terpilih. Saya masih belajar di perguruan tinggi dan ini benar-benar pengalaman kerja pertama saya. Saya tidak pernah membayangkan akan bekerja dengan pemerintah."
Surya Sahetapy
Dia masih mengingat hari ia melamar program magang pertama yang dibuka Gubernur DKI Jakarta, Basuki Tjahaja Purnama alias Ahok pada November 2015. Pertama kalinya dilakukan, program ini diluncurkan Ahok untuk menginspirasi generasi muda Indonesia agar lebih terlibat dalam program-program pembangunan sebagai upaya meningkatkan profesionalisme dan transparansi pemerintahan daerah.

Bersaing dengan 500 pelamar lainnya, Surya mengirim esainya mengenai kondisi umum penyandang tuli di Jakarta. Esainya juga menekankan apa yang bisa dilakukan pemerintah provinsi untuk mengembangkan dan meningkatkan sistem pendidikan, khususnya bagi kaum tuli. 

Ketika diberitahu ia menjadi salah satu dari 20 peserta magang yang terpilih untuk mengikuti program pemagangan selama empat bulan, ia merasa senang namun sempat tertegun. "Saya tidak bisa percaya bahwa saya terpilih. Saya masih belajar di perguruan tinggi dan ini benar-benar pengalaman kerja pertama saya. Saya tidak pernah membayangkan akan bekerja dengan pemerintah," kata Surya menggunakan bahasa isyarat. Ia menambahkan bahwa ia merupakan satu-satunya peserta magang dengan disabilitas.

Dalam program magang ini, ia ditempatkan di bidang anggaran dari 12 bidang lainnya, seperti infrastruktur, teknologi dan informasi, perencanaan kota, pendidikan, pelayanan publik, dan sebagainya. “Anggaran adalah bidang baru bagi saya. Saya tidak memiliki latar belakang keuangan. Awalnya sulit bagi saya untuk mengikuti kinerja tim, tapi saya belajar banyak,” kisah Surya yang mengambil jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris di Universitas Sampoerna.  

Mengatasi tantangan

Salah satu tantangan bagi Surya adalah terlibat dalam dan memahami percakapan serta diskusi di sekelilingnya. Tanpa bantuan penerjemah bahasa isyarat, dia mencoba sebisanya membaca bibir.

"Tapi, orang-orang di sekitar saya berbicara begitu cepat selama pertemuan dan saya tertinggal. Mereka juga suka menggunakan kata-kata berat dan istilah-istilah pemerintahan yang saya tidak tahu dan pahami. Saya berjuang untuk menyatu dengan tim saya,” kata dia. 

Setelah dua minggu tanpa penerjemah, Surya membahas hambatannya ini dengan pemimpin tim. Karena pemerintah provinsi belum pernah memperkerjakan penyandang disabilitas, para pejabatnya tidak menyadari isu-isu disabilitas. Seorang penerjemah bahasa isyarat kemudian diperkerjakan untuk membantu Surya selama program pemagangan.

Sebelumnya saya tidak peduli tentang politik, tetapi sekarang saya memiliki pandangan yang berbeda. Saya berharap semakin banyak penyandang disabilitas terlibat dalam program ini untuk mempromosikan dan memberikan advokasi mengenai isu-isu disabilitas."
Surya Sahetapy

Bagi Rastri Puspita Mine, penerjemah bahasa isyarat, ini merupakan pengalaman pertamanya berurusan dengan isu-isu pemerintahan. “Ini merupakan pengalaman yang mencerahkan karena saya belajar banyak saat membantu Surya melakukan tugasnya dalam penganggaran. Kesulitan saya adalah menerjemahkan istilah pemerintahan dan banyaknya singkatan yang digunakan,” ujar Rastri menceritakan pengalamannya.

Pengalaman magang ini, bagaimanapun, telah membuat Surya mengubah persepsinya mengenai pemerintah. “Saya memiliki kesan yang lebih positif tentang pemerintah. Saya belajar bahwa pemerintah sebenarnya peduli tentang isu-isu disabilitas. Mereka belum melakukan banyak karena tidak memiliki pemahaman yang memadai tentang hal ini. Karenanya, penting bagi semua organisasi penyandang disabilitas dan mereka yang peduli tentang menciptakan lingkungan inklusif di sekitar kita untuk terus memberikan advokasi kepada pemerintah dan masyarakat luas tentang isu-isu disabilitas," kata Surya yang aktif melakukan advokasi mengenai disabilitas. 

Selama magang, ia pun belajar banyak tentang peran dan fungsi pemerintah provinsi. Yang paling berkesan baginya adalah kesempatan untuk berpartisipasi dalam pertemuan dengan Gubernur DKI Jakarta, kunjungan ke kantor-kantor pemerintah di tingkat masyarakat dan berdialog dengan para pejabat terkait.

"Sebelumnya saya tidak peduli tentang politik, tetapi sekarang saya memiliki pandangan yang berbeda. Saya berharap semakin banyak penyandang disabilitas terlibat dalam program ini untuk mempromosikan dan memberikan advokasi mengenai isu-isu disabilitas,” katanya.

Komitmen ILO untuk disabilitas

Dengan dukungan yang lebih kuat dari pemerintah di semua tingkatan (tingkat nasional, provinsi dan kabupaten), lingkungan inklusif dalam, di antaranya, lembaga pemerintah, perusahaan, sekolah dan lingkungan umum, lebih dapat diwujudkan. Untuk mendukung inklusi ini, ILO memiliki komitmen panjang untuk mempromosikan pekerjaan layak bagi penyandang disabilitas.
Melalui generasi muda seperti Surya yang tanpa lelah mendukung dan mempromosikan kesempatan dan perlakuan yang sama bagi penyandang disabilitas, diharapkan akan ada perubahan yang lebih positif di negeri ini. Semakin banyak lagi penyandang disabilitas yang mendapatkan kesempatan sama terhadap pekerjaan, pelatihan, pendidikan dan aspek sosial kehidupan lainnya."
Santy Otto, Koordinator Proyek PROPEL-Indonesia ILO

Isu-isu disabilitas sejalan dengan Konvensi ILO No. 111 tentang Diskriminasi dalam Pekerjaan dan Jabatan dan telah diratifikasi Indonesia melalui Undang-Undang No. 21/1999. ILO di Indonesia telah mempromosikan kesempatan kerja yang sama bagi penyandang disabilitas melalui Proyek Mempromosikan Hak-hak dan Kesempatan bagi Penyandang Disabilitas dalam Ketenagakerjaan melalui Peraturan Perundangan (Propel-Indonesia).

Inisiatif-inisiatif utama yang dilakukan proyek tersebut meliputi, antara lain, pelatihan disabilitas bagi mitra terkait, pengembangan bahan informasi dan video mengenai hak-hak penyandang disabilitas, dan pelaksanaan Forum Bisnis Disabilitas, yang bertujuan meningkatkan kesadaran dan pemahaman perusahaan tentang manfaat merekrut dan memperkerjakan penyandang disabilitas dan memperkuat jejaring antar perusahaan.  

"Melalui generasi muda seperti Surya yang tanpa lelah mendukung dan mempromosikan kesempatan dan perlakuan yang sama bagi penyandang disabilitas, diharapkan akan ada perubahan yang lebih positif di negeri ini. Semakin banyak lagi penyandang disabilitas yang mendapatkan kesempatan sama terhadap pekerjaan, pelatihan, pendidikan dan aspek sosial kehidupan lainnya,” kata Santy Otto, Koordinator Proyek PROPEL-Indonesia ILO.


Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Sign Language Issues in Indonesia

Have you heard or got about information that deaf people have not been accessed the education due to language access? Could you imagine that we have not a language? How is Deaf people’s future? These questions might be addressed to people whom unaware about deaf issues and situation recently. In specific, sign language is important for Deaf children’s development in education. From thesis which was written by Silva Isma with topic SIGNING VARIETIES IN JAKARTA AND YOGYAKARTA: DIALECTS OR SEPARATE LANGUAGES? that deaf educational is one of the strongest factors contributing to the sign language use patterns in Deaf communities and the relations among sign languages (Woodward 1976, 1993a, Hoyer 2004, Padden 2011). In addition, there are plenty of researches that sign language is a foundation to support deaf children for acquiring language as hearing children.
Since independence of Indonesia in 1945, Indonesian government has not been ratified the Indonesian Sign Language or called “BISINDO” which was introduced by GERKATIN ((Indonesia Association for the Welfare for the Deaf). “The Deaf have formed an organization called Gerkatin, an acronym for “Gerakan untuk Kesejahteraan Tunarungu Indonesia” meaning “Movement for the Welfare of the Indonesian Deaf” and this organization has spread to many of the provinces of Indonesia and its members promote the welfare of the Deaf by having lectures, sports, sewing classes, computer classes and other activities for them. Sometimes they are able to assist the Deaf in finding work.” (M. Hurlbut,2014)  For this reason, there is a sign language which was introduced by SIBI team in 1995. However, this SIBI or Sign language system is not applied in order to develop deaf students’ to accomplish their goals. Other hands, BISINDO is still progress which remains used in two cities around Indonesia such as Jakarta and Yogyakarta.  There are explanation of difference between BISINDO and SIBI.
Firstly, BISINDO is abbreviation which retrieved from Indonesian Sign Language  or Bahasa Isyarat Indonesia in Indonesian language.  The definition of BISINDO is Indonesian Sign Language for deaf people and also “BISINDO stands for Bahasa Isyarat Indonesia (Indonesian Sign Language), which is the natural language of the Indonesian deaf.” (Effendi, 2014) Also, she mentioned that BISINDO is understandable and it is similar with slang. Somehow, she also elaborated that BISINDO is a universal language which is need to be discussed. Hence, there are variation of BISINDO in around Indonesia.
In addition, BISINDO is a developing language which is limited researches. Since GERKATIN was established in 1981, there are few researches. As comparing, developing countries such as United States and United Kingdom has published many researches which concerns with sign language issues.  It explained by Nick Palfreyman (2011) that, “There has been no research so far into the nature and extent of variation in the sign language used by different deaf communities.” For this reason, BISINDO has not been considered by Indonesian government as official language due to lack of proofs of researches about advantage of itself.
Secondly, SIBI is another of sign language system which was created by the Education and Culture ministry and at the present, it used to be applied in special needs schools in around Indonesia. (thejakartapost.com) Juniati Effendi (2014) told that the Indonesian government began to apply SIBI in schools since 1995.  However, there are invalid sources that how SIBI was applied. Therefore, there is an privacy statement that ,” .. SIBI was created without involved deaf people because of politic which controlled by Prof. Dr. Wardiman (Dita, personal communication, April, 17,2015).”
There were reasons that need to be known regarding SIBI implementation. Juniati Effendi (2015) informed that SIBI was a language created by people who aren’t deaf and SIBI is complicated because it uses grammar which taken from the spoken Indonesian language. Therefore, SIBI was a government project as Juniati Effendi (2015) said. Hence, SIBI has not been agreed by someone who has used that language which was not helping them for reaching literacy skill level as hearing people. In addition, SIBI has not involved the expression which is important to show which answer or question is.
Although BISINDO and SIBI has related with deaf people in Indonesia but it is a huge difference for being an appropriate language for the deaf people. The BISINDO has been developed by Laboratory of Sign Language Research-University of Indonesia which is currently on progress and already launched two book of Sign Languages such as Jakarta Sign Language and Yogyakarta Sign Language. On the contrary, SIBI has documented any signs which modified American Sign Language with prefix and suffix and launched a book with title Kamus Sistem Isyarat Bahasa Indonesia or  Dictionary of Indonesian Sign Language System. According to Juniati Effendi (2014) that BISINDO is quite different from the government-approved Sistem Isyarat Bahasa Indonesia (SIBI) or Indonesian Sign Language System).
The effects of dual sign languages conflicts that impacts to deaf people whom are acquiring language. After a certain period of time, the students experienced difficulties understanding SIBI’s language concept, because they feel that the language isn’t applicable in their daily lives and interaction. (Juniati Effendi, 2014) In addition, when they were making SIBI, they didn’t research about SIBI implementation which could be applied in schools for the deaf. Afterwards, Juniati Effendi (2014) says,” There are many who are confused, especially because BISINDO doesn’t use the same grammatical structure as Bahasa Indonesia: SPOK (Subject, Predicate, Object, Keterangan – Information).”
In conclusion, sign languages issues in Indonesia are a problem that has not been solved. However, there is a hope to finish these issues since after election of president last year. Each year, Laboratory of Sign Language Research-University of Indonesia holds a program for sign language teaching candidates as improving the human sources. That program is important to keep sign language as developing language certain in order to break deaf people’s obstacles. In addition, disability organization including deaf also is campaigning about convention of the rights for people with disabilities.

Effendi, Juniati. (2014, October 1). Interview by Muhammad Hilmi [Tape recording]. Supporting BISINDO with Dr. Juniati Effendi. Jakarta. Retrieved from http://www.whiteboardjournal.com/interview/18505/supporting-bisindo-with-dr-yuniati-effendi/
Palfreyman, Nick. (2011). Variation in Indonesian Sign Language. University of Central Lancashire:UK Retrieved from http://lingweb.eva.mpg.de/jakarta/isloj3/abstracts/Palfreyman.pdf
The Jakarta Post. (2014). Deaf community’s demands go unheard. Retrieved from http://www.thejakartapost.com/news/2014/02/23/deaf-community-s-demands-go-unheard.html
Isma, Silva Tenrisara Pertiwi. (2012). Signing Varieties in Jakarta and Yogyakarta: Dialects or Separate Languages? The Chinese University of Hong Kong: Hong Kong Retrieved from http://www.cuhk.edu.hk/lin/new/doc/ma_papers/macla/Silva_2011-12.pdf

Hurlbut, Hope M. (2014). The Signed Language of Indonesia: An Enigma. SIL International.

Sunday, December 27, 2015

English Post: Just Write What You WANT as Deaf after being former Hearing Impaired.

Counting seconds for heading to 2016 as former Hearing Impaired and proudly to be labelled as deaf in straight to Deaf.

Posting this photo is helping me to imagine how we combine our things with others. By the way, I am looking to believe that might be wrong and sooner revised/fixed for being very good or at least perfect.
(- My Grammar is checked as error mode on-)
Taken in Hong Kong, September 2015.

Dear Bloggers,

I am unconfident to build this post up .... But let me to express out my 'Voice' 

As many times I have been thinking what I intended to write through this blog. The reason why I started to write English for this blog that I have struggled with confidence in writing English. Before going to a round of chronicle, I would like to let you know that I am not good at English written especially grammar because Indonesia is my native language. For this reason, readers have rights to ask what does it mean or even revise any sentences here for being worthy read. Thank you.

Here we go….

Yet, as previous times, I hated English for once because it was hardship to access that International language as people said when I was in Junior High School (Where I was introduced to learn English for the first time). At that time, I accessed both Indonesian and English language by using read-lips. The story why I became like that has told by previous posts in this blog. By intermezzo time, I had experienced a few tough years where my Deaf sister left us forever. Fortunately, Sign Language and Deaf World pushed me to learn and be loveable about English as windows to see how real world goes. In addition, it persuaded me to be proud of who I am or similar with a quote,” Just be yourself!”

Anyway, other reason could be logical that might invite people wonder. Last year, I took English Education for continuing my step in higher education level. Yes, it was a big decision for me and my family because as I experienced with English that I was not dealing so good with that late language eaten. Although I have been interested with English since 3 years ago. Thank God, since I enrolled Sampoerna University, I have been surrounded by good environment that helped me to improve my English skills except speaking and listening. Yes, I am Deaf actually and it is impossible or difficult for me to be able in speaking and listening as hearing people. How I handled that? I have been helped with kind-hearted people, notebook, internet, smartphone, imported books and et cetera. Why I took that? I wanted to have an experience how hard Deaf People access Indonesian Language, and I planned to reverse Deaf people said that English is NOT frightening. Furthermore, I try to make that language could be changed as enjoyable learning for future Deaf Indonesians Leaders. But, I am hesitated to realise that because I am still discovering my path for Deaf Community in this present.....

At this of all, give me a chance to consider for being habitual to write routine with various topic especially Deaf, Life and Challenge in facing to real World.

Anyway, first sentence is a guide to me for directing my further writing….

My thoughts are full with stories that I am required to express through this blog as son of well known persons, former hearing impaired, and Deaf - Hearing World adventurer.

This writing based on my experience that relates with my life, habit, psychology, point of view and belief.  

To be continued……


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